
Welcome to the mother of all mother blogs!  I decided to start this blog as a collaboration with my more personal blog writingsofamrs.wordpress.com  

There you can find my more personal musings, poetry, writings etc.  I toy with the idea of life, the world and enlightenment.

You can meet my Mr, Alex, over at writingsofamr.wordpress.com

In this blog I will share some of my parenting tricks of the trade, my bloopers and blunders.  I will air out the dirty laundry, share my recipes and my grocery bill!  I will share how we manage to travel, keep organized, renovate etc… etc..etc!

Yes, we have 8 children.  6 that we had biologically and 2 are adopted.  The baby (Adam) is turning 6 in 2 weeks! Ahhhh!! The eldest (Nathan) will be 20 in November.  Ahhhh!! And doesn’t live at home.  So we have 7 children at home in an eight bedroom house.  4 teenagers and 3 under 10.  I will post each ones photo below when I get a few extra minutes.

Here is our family, for now, ginger bread man styles! (just for the record nobody is missing a leg, somebody just got hungry and took a bite, it would be ok if they were but they aren’t….just saying)


90 thoughts on “About

    • Hi Jade. Thank you. It will be fun to share more stories related to family life, renovating, recipes and general ideas of the sort. I’m happy to see that you are along for the journey.

  1. Hello to you too. I am a mother of nine9 who raised her kids on a farm.; we probably have many messes and hiarious experiences to share. Some things can only happen with a house full of kids on a farm

  2. How wonderful you remind me of my mother, she has 7~ Big families are the best for sure 😀 Thanks for find my blog so I could find yours!!

    • My Mom is one of 7 as well. I always wanted to have a large family. I have such fond memories of family gatherings with my many cousins etc. Plus I figured now a days I need to have this many children to up my odds of getting a few grandchildren! 😉
      I’m happy that you found my blog. Keep letting me know what you think. I love chatting with the community.

  3. You have a wonderful family and you look so young, beautiful and happy! Good for you! I love the gingerbread version too. You made my day. By the way thank you for your liking my post ” Music!” Coming from you it is more valuable. You know family life!

  4. Wow, 8 kids! I have one baby boy, and life for Mr. J and I has already changed tremendously. You must be a super mom. Love the gingerbread cookies! Looking forward to reading more on your blog. — Mrs. J

  5. Jennifer – Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my one of my posts. I am looking forward to checking out more of your blog. I’ll bet you have some great insights and stories to tell. Thanks again!

  6. It’s great to see someone who is obviously fulfilled with the most important things of life! Thanks for the visit, come back soon.


  7. Whoopee doo, my Dad (and Mom!) only have me and Big Sis to look after, so far. maybe one day they will catch up with you?*!**??!? Until then, much power to you and yours, Rufus.

  8. You have a beautiful family. Mine are all grown & married with the exception of one son who died in 2010 at age 50, from years of drug and alcohol abuse. The other three are married with children. My oldest granddaughter is 18 and taking college courses. I wish we could have had something like a blog when my kids were kids and I was an aspiring writer writing about them. I wrote a school newspaper for 5 years (on ditto masters – do you know what they WERE?) but I typed it and someone else ran off the copies. I started a column of my own called Reflections–my experiences as a volunteer with two children in primary grades. I copied some of them and posted them on my blog some time ago – I think under the title of Reflections. There was one in particular that I truly loved even years later, about getting the family fed and off to school every day–which I bet you, with seven children, could easily outdo my article.
    But let me say – enjoy and live in the moment. I really miss those days; they were the best days of my life.

  9. Hi, I stumbled onto your page via one of my favorite blogs, whitetrinity.com and so glad I did. I read a few posts so far, and they are fantastic. Love to read more. Cheers, Mom of Dragon Boy

  10. Oh wow! You are one big family. 🙂 I’m one of 6 and my mum is one of 11, so me and big families get along well! Lol Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great day, hugs Paula xxx

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