Baking?? Who am I??

I don’t know what’s come over me but I think I have a problem, a big problem.

I have been baking.  Seriously.  I’m not kidding.  BAKING!  And some serious baking.

I saw some browning bananas the other day and normally I would wait another day or 2 to see if anyone puts them to use and if not I throw them into the freezer until the next 6 month bug I get to make my go to banana bread.  But no, not this past week, I saw them and thought, Hmmm I can make a banana cream cheese pie or a banana cream pie, I do after all have 2 graham cracker pie shells in the cupboard that have been there for quite some time…


I even looked on line for a banana cream pie/pudding/cheese cake recipe, I even checked if I had the ingredients and I made a list to pick up the missing ingredients I was missing during the next visit to the grocery store. *gasp*

Who am I??

Has my Mr. been slipping some herbal substance that causes increased domestication into my tea?  When it comes to the possibility of him getting more sweets and baking in the home, I wouldn’t put it past him…


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A little something-something on the side.

ribbon, mom of the year award, 1st place

I have this imaginary game I play with myself called Mom of the Year and every time I do something I know will ‘wow’ the kids I give myself some imaginary ‘points’ and this gets me excited!  I love that the only person I am competing with is myself.

This will give me points even after they’ve left home!

I came across a web site with these fantastic recipes for convenient meals that you can prepare on the weekend.   Weekdays you grab a meal out of the fridge or freezer and throw it all in the crock pot.   It takes the worry and stress out of a parents concern on whether your family will be eating healthy meals at night especially with the many unforeseen time hampers during the busy workweek like unexpected stops at the wine store.

To check out the awesome crock pot recipes and bag prep visit Mommy’s Fabulous Finds

Since I currently stay home I don’t have much of an issue with this.

What it did get me thinking about is my many teenagers that are soon to embark on moving on with their lives *tear* and attending college and university (some of them will stay close’ish’ to home – an hour or 2 car ride away but still wanting the ‘full college experience’ aka freedom, aka dorm, aka big bucks *tear*) Continue reading

Let your creative ‘fruit’ juices flow…

So I think I’ve hit the jack pot here.

I have been searching far and wide for the right opportunity to score major Mommy of the Year points with my little ones (yes, I want to make my children happy…) and I know, that I have found a winner!  My daughter will go absolutely nuts if I present her an orange shaped like this…..



We will be having major  quantities of fresh squeezed fruit juices and fruit salad over the next few days while I attempt to create even some kind of semblance to a cat, which is highly unlikely but I’m sure I will score even more Mommy of the Year points (in my own mind anyway) for even attempting this….


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Love your Mug


The time is nearing, cooler evenings.  The time for sweaters and scarves.  Knit mittens and playing in the crisp leaves.  Warming up around the fire. Continue reading

Cheater, cheater, pumkin eater….

The Adult Halloween Party

Given that Halloween is slowly but surely creeping up on us I thought I might share with you some of my favorite DIY ideas for this years Halloween!

First let’s start off with the grown up version of Halloween.

Here is my idea for my costume this year…

Image…..comic book costume. 

Isn’t it an awesome costume?

And a grown up party wouldn’t be complete with out some decorations and treat ideas…

ImageCreative table setting with out overkill… Continue reading

Deep fried pickles, the love story…(don’t judge me)

So I have a new found love and it is so fantastically yummy that I had to share our story *sigh*.  I’ve  always had a fondness for pickles but add the deep fried yummy batter and sour cream and *swoon* I’m a goner…

So move over Mr. of a Mrs. and let’s welcome in the Deep Fried Pickle!


There is a fantastic restaurant or ‘greasy spot’ just off the highway near where I live.  You know one of those restaurants that looks not so hot from the outside but the food is to die for?  Ya, it’s one of those places. Continue reading

Pancake art!


One of my favorite parts of being back home with the Mr. is his fantastic pancake art skills!

Look What my Lovely Sister in Law made From my Yard!

strawberry cake, rhubarb, juice, sauce, jamStrawberry Rhubarb Cake, Strawberry Rhubarb Fruit salad, Strawberry Rhubarb Fruit Compte, Juice and soon to be jam!

If there is one woman in my life that I would have to choose that inspires me it would hands down be my sister in law Viv.  She has such a big heart and she is so giving to the community and the youth in our area.

She is also fantastic in the kitchen and can decorate a room in no time.  She makes every event special.  She takes the time and care to not only make a room and the food presentation look beautiful she always leaves behind a little special touch of herself. Continue reading