No more browning apples for lunch.

This is about a year or so too late for my gang, although I still cut up their apples after school because they prefer it that way and also because they do get wiggly teeth that make it hard to bite into apples.

But I cannot be alone when I say; I have no idea how many apples I have cut up and continue to cut up, for children, in my lifetime! They’ve come around to eating the peel *yes*.  I used to have to core, peel and slice 10 apples, easily a day for my family!  Continue reading

Children that Read


My children have finally become willing, engaged readers!!

 I know isn’t it so exciting??

My son Noah is really loving the Big Nate book series and my daughter Eden has fell in love with Ivy and Bean.  I love seeing them pick up a book to read on their own.  

I had a family member mention that Big Nate was comic bookish and not advanced enough for my son (he is a strong reader he just never had the desire to read for leisure) but you know what?  He loves these books.  He is keen to read and for me that has been what I have been waiting for. 

If your child wants to read, encourage them to do so, what ever the reading level!


Do your children bicker?

Good Lord, help me.  Mine do.  And I know, I know all kids do.  Especially when there are three children in very close age proximity. (been there, done that, this is my second ‘batch’ of them)

But sometimes I am absolutely dumbfounded about the petty (to me) things that my children choose to bicker about.

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How do you feel about this idea?


Oh, imagine the possibilities…
XBOX-2/PS3-4/Wii-U plugs, laptop/computer/ipad/ipod/phone chargers/power cords
even hair straighteners and blow dryers, heck even the entire TV!

Is it wrong of me to be excited to see this plan in action and the reaction it will get?

Fun in the Summer Sun



We are having an amazing time at the cottage and in Magog.
Shadow tag at the beach in the early summer sunset.
See you all in a week!
Take Good Care!