No more browning apples for lunch.

This is about a year or so too late for my gang, although I still cut up their apples after school because they prefer it that way and also because they do get wiggly teeth that make it hard to bite into apples.

But I cannot be alone when I say; I have no idea how many apples I have cut up and continue to cut up, for children, in my lifetime! They’ve come around to eating the peel *yes*.  I used to have to core, peel and slice 10 apples, easily a day for my family!  Continue reading

Huge money saving tip here, check it out, you know you like to save money!


SO I am going to reveal one of my hidden ways to save some big bucks.(money not prize deer)

I’m not sure how the education system works in the USA or other countries but I know this applies in Canada so you might as well give it a shot no matter where you live.

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