No more browning apples for lunch.

This is about a year or so too late for my gang, although I still cut up their apples after school because they prefer it that way and also because they do get wiggly teeth that make it hard to bite into apples.

But I cannot be alone when I say; I have no idea how many apples I have cut up and continue to cut up, for children, in my lifetime! They’ve come around to eating the peel *yes*.  I used to have to core, peel and slice 10 apples, easily a day for my family!  Continue reading

A little something-something on the side.

ribbon, mom of the year award, 1st place

I have this imaginary game I play with myself called Mom of the Year and every time I do something I know will ‘wow’ the kids I give myself some imaginary ‘points’ and this gets me excited!  I love that the only person I am competing with is myself.

This will give me points even after they’ve left home!

I came across a web site with these fantastic recipes for convenient meals that you can prepare on the weekend.   Weekdays you grab a meal out of the fridge or freezer and throw it all in the crock pot.   It takes the worry and stress out of a parents concern on whether your family will be eating healthy meals at night especially with the many unforeseen time hampers during the busy workweek like unexpected stops at the wine store.

To check out the awesome crock pot recipes and bag prep visit Mommy’s Fabulous Finds

Since I currently stay home I don’t have much of an issue with this.

What it did get me thinking about is my many teenagers that are soon to embark on moving on with their lives *tear* and attending college and university (some of them will stay close’ish’ to home – an hour or 2 car ride away but still wanting the ‘full college experience’ aka freedom, aka dorm, aka big bucks *tear*) Continue reading

Cheater, cheater, pumkin eater….

The Adult Halloween Party

Given that Halloween is slowly but surely creeping up on us I thought I might share with you some of my favorite DIY ideas for this years Halloween!

First let’s start off with the grown up version of Halloween.

Here is my idea for my costume this year…

Image…..comic book costume. 

Isn’t it an awesome costume?

And a grown up party wouldn’t be complete with out some decorations and treat ideas…

ImageCreative table setting with out overkill… Continue reading