Children that Read


My children have finally become willing, engaged readers!!

 I know isn’t it so exciting??

My son Noah is really loving the Big Nate book series and my daughter Eden has fell in love with Ivy and Bean.  I love seeing them pick up a book to read on their own.  

I had a family member mention that Big Nate was comic bookish and not advanced enough for my son (he is a strong reader he just never had the desire to read for leisure) but you know what?  He loves these books.  He is keen to read and for me that has been what I have been waiting for. 

If your child wants to read, encourage them to do so, what ever the reading level!

Baking?? Who am I??

I don’t know what’s come over me but I think I have a problem, a big problem.

I have been baking.  Seriously.  I’m not kidding.  BAKING!  And some serious baking.

I saw some browning bananas the other day and normally I would wait another day or 2 to see if anyone puts them to use and if not I throw them into the freezer until the next 6 month bug I get to make my go to banana bread.  But no, not this past week, I saw them and thought, Hmmm I can make a banana cream cheese pie or a banana cream pie, I do after all have 2 graham cracker pie shells in the cupboard that have been there for quite some time…


I even looked on line for a banana cream pie/pudding/cheese cake recipe, I even checked if I had the ingredients and I made a list to pick up the missing ingredients I was missing during the next visit to the grocery store. *gasp*

Who am I??

Has my Mr. been slipping some herbal substance that causes increased domestication into my tea?  When it comes to the possibility of him getting more sweets and baking in the home, I wouldn’t put it past him…


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Do your children bicker?

Good Lord, help me.  Mine do.  And I know, I know all kids do.  Especially when there are three children in very close age proximity. (been there, done that, this is my second ‘batch’ of them)

But sometimes I am absolutely dumbfounded about the petty (to me) things that my children choose to bicker about.

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