Open When…

Relationships and communication with our young people, no matter the stage of growth they are in, can at times seem daunting and confusing.

One moment our children want our love, cuddles, encouragement and support and the next it seems that no matter how we try to approach our children they will have nothing to do with it or us.

Just when you think you’ve mastered the steps of their new and complicated dance the music suddenly changes and you are left feeling left footed, unprepared and clumsy all over again.
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Root Beer or Beer, whichever Dad prefers, Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Well, Father’s Day is slowly approaching us.  The day my Mr. gets to sleep in until all hours of the day and have a day all about him.  He deserves it!

I have a great idea (well, I think it’s great) for a Father’s Day gift at the end of this post.

My Mr. is such a fantastic Father.  He is loving and patient, attentive and invested.  His children are his priority and I find that oh, so sexy.  Nothing like a man with kids hanging off him (preferably your own) to make your heart swoon.

Here is Alex with our teen girls, they attacked him with water (I orchestrated it…mwhahha) but it back fired when they all took aim on me (who cried, no no I have my phone…it didn’t work)

*family fun after the little’s have gone to bed* Continue reading

A little Pink goes a long Way

When we moved into our new house almost every room needed a major overhaul.  Eden’s room did also.  We ripped up the disgusting pink, dirty carpet and we didn’t have the money to immediately replace her flooring (giving that we had to install a kitchen, bathroom, central air and gas furnace and duct work throughout the entire house!) so we bought these play floor matts that you can find at most department stores as a make shift floor.  They were on sale and the entire floor cost us maybe $50.00 (Canadian)

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