Open When…

Relationships and communication with our young people, no matter the stage of growth they are in, can at times seem daunting and confusing.

One moment our children want our love, cuddles, encouragement and support and the next it seems that no matter how we try to approach our children they will have nothing to do with it or us.

Just when you think you’ve mastered the steps of their new and complicated dance the music suddenly changes and you are left feeling left footed, unprepared and clumsy all over again.
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Stop Talking and Communicate!

My Mr. and I we talk, a lot.   And we talk a lot with each other.  I know a lot of you are thinking, well that’s great, communication is a building block or even the main foundation of a good relationship and that is true.

But sometimes a little quiet is nice too.   You know how they say (who is ‘they’ anyway…?) you know you are really comfortable with someone when you can sit in a room together and be quiet together with out it being awkward?  Well that never happens with us, unless we are watching a movie, playing a video game, mad at each other or the kids are around etc. (which covers most of everyday..)

I love our conversations and I wouldn’t change it for a minute, well except the time I changed it for five…let me tell you about it.

The other night we did our evening retreat to the bedroom, hiding ourselves away for a few minutes of quiet time and my Mr. started talking about work.  Normally I pay full attention but I think I just wanted some peace and quiet and I was feeling bored by work talk.

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